Welcome to Mental Restorations

In helping others, we help ourselves

Mental Restorations Foundation

Mental Restorations Foundation is a non-profit organization created to promote community mental health. We are dedicated to helping active duty and retired Veterans & families of, active duty and retired First Responders and family of, and at risk youth, to find a path to better mental wellness. Our founder and board members compassionately understand the need for a healthy mental outlook and many of us have shared the same struggles. Our Goal is to offer adventures that not only help others on their path to a more positive mental outlook, but also benefit the community. We achieve this through involvement in community activities and by providing access to resources.

Activities can include boating/fishing, farming, hiking, sightseeing and more. In addition, we are establishing working farm communities for teaching “hands on” farming skills. Which we currently operate and partner in conjunction with another non-profit group, food canoes to help with food sustainability and food security in the community. It is also our plan to additionally offer opportunities to learn trades like auto repair, boat maintenance, culinary skills, and more. We work to send our members home with a peace of mind, & with the confidence as a respected member of the community. Feeling valued as a contributing member of a community is an essential component on the path to a more positive mental health mindset. We welcome your service to our community. In helping others, we help ourselves.

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