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Mental Restorations is a non-profit organization created to promote mental wellness through community events. We are dedicated to helping active military members, Veterans, first responders, and the families of. Our founder and leaders compassionately understand the need for a healthy mental outlook as many of us have shared the same struggles. We offer opportunities that help you on your path to a more positive mental state and that also benefit the community. We achieve this by providing access to community activities, excursions, and adventures for our members.
Mental Restorations activities include boating, fishing, hiking, farming, sightseeing, volunteering, and more. In addition we have established multiple partnerships with working farms for teaching hands-on farming skills. Our eventual goal is to host opportunities to learn trades like auto-repair, boat maintenance, culinary skills and more. We aim to send our members home with peace of mind and confidence. Feeling valued as a contributing member of a community is an essential component of having a more positive mindset. We welcome your service to our community. In helping others, we help ourselves.
Water Activities
Community Farming
Hiking Adventures
Please help us congratulate and celebrate our members of the month. Read below to see a little more about each individual member and why we value them so much!
Mental Restorations Foundation's April member of the month!
Mental Restorations Foundation's March member of the month! Mike is a generous supporter and Board Member of MRF. His story is one of recovery and dedication to the well-being of others. He volunteers with numerous non-profit organizations and has spent 27 years working for Social Model Recovery Systems, a multi-faceted human services organization which operates 23 programs and services throughout Los Angeles and Orange County focusing efforts in the areas of behavioral health, substance use treatment, prevention, education, and services for individuals experiencing homelessness. Mahalo for your service and contribution to Mental Restorations Foundation. Congratulations Mike!
Mental Restorations Foundation's February member of the month! A native of Los Angeles, Ron moved to Hawai`i in 2019 to assist in caring for his elderly mother. Ron was a volunteer on a search and recovery dive mission for a missing autistic boy in Hilo where he found out about MRF. He joined the organization shortly thereafter and has proven to be a very valuable and generous volunteer and Board Member. Ron is a well-qualified carpenter and he greatly enjoys hiking, diving, and gardening. He appreciates the comeraderie while helping to support those suffering from PTSD. We greatly appreciate you Ron. Mahalo for all you do and the great person you are! Congratulations!
Mental Restorations Foundation's January 2024 member of the month! Jason joined MRF over a year ago. He is a Board Member and he arranged for MRF to be the featured charity for the Luana Group in January 2020, which raised over $6,000. His generous contributions are greatly appreciated as is his consistent smile, infectious chuckle, and jolly demeanor. Please join us in honoring Jason for his support of MRF and helping others.
You can use our PayPal to submit your donations.
You can also donate on our Facebook page where we consistently have online drives and campaigns. Please follow us to see what's happening.